Charley’s New Friend
Charley’s New Friend is a heartwarming tale about a young boy who learns valuable life lessons from a wise old snake named Arthur. Through exciting adventures, Charley discovers that all our experiences even those that might be described as difficult contribute to shaping our beliefs, values, and quality of life.
Charley’s New Friend is also a thrilling children’s book with a twist. The twist is that after the story, there is a section for parents and other readers to consider additional parenting material focusing upon issues raised in the story. Thus, the book offers information to you and a sensational story for your children.
Charley’s New Friend
Charley’s New Friend is a heartwarming tale about a young boy who learns valuable life lessons from a wise old snake named Arthur. Through exciting adventures, Charley discovers that all our experiences even those that might be described as difficult contribute to shaping our beliefs, values, and quality of life.
Charley’s New Friend is also a thrilling children’s book with a twist. The twist is that after the story, there is a section for parents and other readers to consider additional parenting material focusing upon issues raised in the story. Thus, the book offers information to you and a sensational story for your children.